Thursday, June 27, 2013

" Advice Offered In Payment "

" My advice Horse, of course, is if a ton of bricks' hits you, at least pray it's a brick of bricks' of marijuana." ; said a "Stoner."


Proof....lika a surgeon....or surgeon....yeh.....surgeon...starr....a dollar....a car...a moment....a crisp bitch......a salad.....more bitznezz....Kanye West.....another hitlist.....crime boss....a salad tossed.....Lil Kim....a fly off hand ass write....that's a terd....oh no not another faltered word....oops look again.......there goes my brain......writing rap right hand feeling insane....(music included) (Cypress Hill motherfucker), (B-Reel, Mellow Man Ace, yeh I wrote that...."How I Could Just Kill A Man.......hey that wasn't my tat....yeh.....on my arm.......tootin and flutin and tryin to find some charm.....yeh man look at me......try write hand go last.....california city. fuck rap. surgeon. cutting ur own head fuckin sucks.....flippin ducks.....working crew....he motherfucker..... can you move? yeah duck stupid, bitch, yeh, you flew....look, look, away, look again (POW!) Wish can you see? look Dexter Morgan's tools following me.... douche bag snitch....."Hey Dude Can I Have $20 dollar, year I need for my car gotta pick up this stupid bitch named {"STARR"} :) "Blind me bitch, stupid Fitch, Stupid Critch, ur a crotch, I'm a looker...not a watch and certainly not for hey motherfucker wanna lick my asp....yeh dude, man I left some shit (weed)....if I don't cut you up wanna lick it, surgeon bitch, yeh testify, my shit stink, don't yeh I fry, I stick right in your ribs... little p l l won't you wanna live? Stick out sore and find some tongs....look here dude here's my bong, yeh dude made from ..... "Why did you eat Brian's goop.... "Hey man dude I did not know guys weight you asp........ from the U F C... yeh, you, Hose B, Donor, had you yet, add up Braded, that mean's three (3), tucked up short, "dude", why is your dig so small? Surgeon. Leave me alone. Didn't I beat your asp with my phone..... get the fack away from ............ :> Proof.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

bam magera

things you must understand mike valle rules as bam bam magera rottingham skate applied... why because you must zanderstand that the power rangers and that means all of them including the toys is a cancelled show that affects all grrrsss... and boys in singular non fraternal like....... bam bam magera rottingham is the best skater after best of course no equally, but just the sane, because mike valle rules apply and bam bam magera rottingham is the best skater after best no equally but just the sane as insane implies, and bam bam magera rottingham cannot cannon do what the fudge he wants, because well he just does not say that mike valle, his mother did, okay, costco youtube fights of the best there is, gee whiz there never show biz, and now you can fucking call him, whom, bam bam magera rottingham and how to ask what kind of bud he did. ya dig ???? bam bam magera rottingham did. love, bam magera, mary queen of scotss. tyler brandon gifford fainted dude. bam magera and bam bam magera rottingham were in line at costco in burn bank, burbank, the state if some find of some kind of california at costco, we were in line, the both of us, scotish royalty, mum and son and now numbfred and son, a group of mike valle music to go along with the fight of all of costco, all polish, were offended by the fact we said and no quote needed because they all were paying attention, heard that the power rangers was a cancelled show. hi bam bam, my find non skater sponsor. i guess i can cannon imagine that you said hi, okay, mike valle rules applies. mike valle applies, why the heck do not both bam magera and bam bam magera rottingham get prescription marijuana and everyone else does and they need it just as much as even more because they are non skating skaters who never have a board, why, ask the fly as mike valle applies rules do need to be followed. not people who are going from point a to boiling point b because everyone follows them and they these certain people are not to be followed that is why. posers of a non posing kind. fake weed smokers. dude its locals only mike valle applies rules need be applied because bam bam magera rottingham needs a new kick man, like mike, sike, hyke, where the fuck did that good dang of football or foot come from is not freaking football been cancelled for like forever and it too sucked just like the power boring rangers. omg. that is such a old text......that is over as well, people have hurt fingers, from just trying to answer that first y not two j's i didn't bother to go get joints todasy from green kiss, because i did not feel like it, because it is christmas and it is hard to get around and all that jazz. that team was a farce. utah was known, known, for no concert hall or sports arean, or arena. i hate rumors. they did try to keep around me everyday, i just need a dime to get the freezer away. goot foot, was that another foot, yah, blying or flying by. whoa. my mind is playing tricks on me. do you know how old that song is ???? me neither, but old and would it not be nice to find out somehow....... gem or xoso cartoon or something. jesus i saw patrick valdenorf on jerry seinfeld season 3 disk four i think but i am not sure if it was the other way around or what, but that kid had a f ing mustache, and it was him and i see he was without ursula, but looked to me like he looked just like his baby picture. wow. i wonder how old he is these days, that must have been some kind of hurricane katrina because why is that non bitch still being seen at target in north hollywood in the state of california. mike valle applies rules, what the heck is wrong. and omg, or o m g means a text shortened version of oh my god. so omg or o m g is a text for your phone that is attained by typing in omg or o m g and that is mike valle applied if you have your phone set for that looked for in the settings area. i hate phones too dude, don't have one but too, and do, and they don't because phones are not supposed to be all different areas of cover, or age. they are all not the same age, but started and stated and stayed at the same as time. meaning it is not that hard to get a phone or work a phone and other stuff like that. jeez louise i thought the wizards of waverly place looked and was cancelled because target was affected by the same sand storm that dropped the dunes sign. me or my, let us hope mike valle applies rules and they are followed because i have to go out tomorrow and i hate to. really. mike valle applies rules that the metro redline is the worst of the worse because it is logically unrealistic, just like flying, the dam thing is a farce and i am tired of it. i hate eddie murphy yo. and i hate doris day. i weird also hate al yank on it malchovich stipanovich hate sammy davis junior and frank sinatra, i hate foxy brown, not a hot momma. i hate phoniex, arizona, la brea and some boulevard, north hollywood station and ruth posing as a hard hot momma dog at the ramp over there and do not care. i am so rank on just about everything that i really would like to beat the fudge kin crap out of them all but do not due to the fact that they are all reap repeats. i don't get it. how come you cannot and them ???? i have hope as mike valle applies you see the the reap repeats and do not cater to them, because you will have bam bam magera rottingham to deal with and he will give you some kind of disease, up yup yup, him and mike valle applies, his show, or channel is goat and yours ???? little homies ..... anybody understand . did anyone ever wonder if tommy chong or cheech marin were hookers. i did. tommy chong claims he bougt me food in tujunga, do you think so. i do not. cheech marin used to pretend to be red and they smoked each others' shit people, not dog. and that is bit not done, so mike valle applies, rules matter and those two homos do not. they have been gone for so long and still linger, like a zinger, old ring ring fingers, meaning that howard stern and ben stillhurt, his lover, both known homos, trying to not take the blame. and of course fifteen minutes of some fame. so they were gone since them. mike valle applies rules do matter.


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Monday, June 24, 2013


the game ........... name something i like as opposite that as the word and form of opposed as a poser something i dont like. ....something i like..... frasier and the old man and the dog. ...something poser i dont like...... the ugly brother of frasier, the cockney chicken father accent, and the whole apartment shanty set up...yup yup. yup yup e eminem means yes.....simply malcolm in the end of the middle of the show that was over the day of his eleventh birthday after someone gave him alchol to choose from at a party he did not order as well as the beer when he gets his own milwakee brand for the yeast problem of his eleven no more show over because he was eleven, like how old is gia duh ???? 222 birth problem baby and bringer of the cabbage patch dance....yup yup...malcolm is hip hop and this is stately bolded and the past....all the old episodes are bogus if tuff bro malcolm volcolm does not have the mariachi tattoo because he has it you see. ......something i like........ remembering to mention that frasier is a show...a channel c, like clear channel the old man, and dog, but not frasier say, whey, why, who cares, frasier may be there but gone just like his hair, so sayeth the dog feldman, and feldman, brothers, obvious, well that show is on, even if frasier is and does not know it. hi feldman, feldman, fand frasier. ......something poser i don't like......frasier the poser, hey look fuckers, he wonders why i dont' go over, meaning feldman and feldman, because that bloke always wruins, like bruins, there apartment residence they spruce goose up....yup yup.. hint hint wink kink... they don't have one. .....something i like...... getting high. .......something poser i don't like.....myself, obvious, i only have the gateway drug marijuana and need some leeds is away more and yup, yup, i blamed them. do you???? and don't feel as if i canned ham i hate spam, where the hell did that shit come formed anyway???? i do not feel high enough. something i like.......... walking a tune on a sunny egg day. something poser i don't like.....some fake retard unweirdo weirdo trying too hard to make a reputation without realizing rally's retards that tom bosley is alfred cisneros and look at him anyway, anyway someone following me whom is looking for attention and i have not the time or tyin to give it. ..something i like..... knowing that pot c died in colors, because i hated howard stern and him in colors, because stern was not anything sexually only a homo fag and both feel fell into a hell hole like preserved and heard, word, gone, gools, and fools, just like those two and ben stillhurt another day, later, okay. ....something i dont'like.......seeing ben stillhurt around without my own money too throw around and throwing it, harder, cunt c canseco like costco goeth psycho style putos. the from and form of using didn't like doesnt' apply because that implies that not liking that may change, saying dont' signifies that you do not and never ever fucking wheel, because saying this gets you made into that threw general motorss'. ....something i like........ presciptions. ..something poser i don't like.........posers' as in group horse formation like the movie troy......i hate that fucking flick, like i mean fucking hate the flick like a mother fucker, like plucker yo...up yup yup.... up yup yup means and implies to me that i went up yup yup another notch, there goeth goes another mark of forror for some horror whom made that homosect sectual sexual position a diller more diller dollar more pickel, because that fake motherplucker was tweet. alot harder.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

doughnuts do's and don'ts

doughnuts do's and don't's......... - doughnuts do not refer to being ole' as old fashioned and that refers to donut and that is not the correct spelling for doughnut, do don't. doughnuts do however like to refer to the term old fashioned as reference to spelling as reference to donoughts, to concur, the doughnuts' as in a group of food, refer to old fashioned as a baking and frosted type term in reference to the first reference of baked as a " old fashioned " doughnut brought to you apparelled by " general motor "ss" " in recipe and baked only ever by one, arsen gifford mayfair, our scottish own resident, " our local armenian affliate " , so do. - doughnuts do refer to you as a stay past your welcome but a member of a clue, like a game, because when told to leave you do. doughnuts do not break the law.

sean scott williams

r u fucking serious ???? i forgot those fucking cookies again. that is what is wrong with my life. turn annas' linen into anna's.... ginger thins. whoa dude, c v s how could u keep this ...... quiet. man, whoa, dude, where's my car ????


Hello moonbeam juan at the repair red mobile over by 7 11, is your bluetooth missing???? Browse…… that is the term used to enjoy the "internet explorer". It goes with "dora the explorer" and "go diego go" that is as seen on nickelodeon. Slim Shady. Starr Gifford. Thursday, May 23, 2013 6:07 PM

gust of writing

- land of skullss i took a walk one day to sunbathe and suddenly i found myself located at highland park on highland and somewhere above franklin......... i fell into a land of skulls, crystal skullss to be exact, all made of howard stern, as if seeing him in person was any different. that guy looked as if he had always been there, and it showed all the lives and degree of disease and deodarant skam as well as spam. that guy had a calendar fetish. written 6 37 pm on december 26, 2012, the day after christmas, wednesday, a gust of writing that needed to be written. - a date of prunes resembling bruins so i walked into an established mint full of men that was supposed to be a cannabis donation center called the blue skye, but what i encountered there was dates of prunes resembling bruins........ what a bunch of crap man, it was like toliet maintenance all over the man palace because some russian divan had the midas crutch and coughed up a haircut. all cutesy like. footcrawl play hers herbs due disguised as a marijuano when we all know the appropriate place for face is marijuana...what what watch out for placemats man, because like all cause and nofx, visers replace hairs and play a part or a bruin. dude you would not conceive the porpoise of orfice that belonged to the gam... all astout or stout or astout that place smelled of puke, wool and brine, not to mention the crutch of the tribe of the laying lion, or lier, or lair of liars.... hey how you doin bruin... remember me ???? december 27, 2012 thursday 6 29 pm a gust of writing that needed to be written

shark finn news

shark finn news SHARK FINN NEWS Picture this, sigourney weaver is “jaws jr.”, she’s an actress, or sometimes, because she is “temp-ending”, or a “temp-end”. A “temp-end” is someone whom is designated to “work from home” because that is just the way it is. You have your “workforce”, and then you have “someone” whom is “ jaws jr”., well it is really “drew barrymore’s” first name and she holds the “shark”, or “great white shark” to key. Work sucks for that “street shark” “e” – “ther” way, church blows and “drew” as she is preferred “F. D. I. C.” preferred. Except now her temp-ending has ended…. What can you do with a “former child non-actress”, because like, “ME” , “starr”, she only believes in “male child actors”. That means that only” male” can be considered “an actor”; regardless if they are a child actor, or a adult actor. Trust me this is sometimes, that any and all great white shark have a problem with a problem of a people that do not think this is the way they are supposed to go….. well that is just ugly fuggly bullshark to me. So beyond workforce, it seems that all the other, citizens’ whom are compliant with “Octapharma Plasma Facility” are considered those whom work from home, because everything is work and everywhere can be home, because we survived the jelly fish’ of a bullshark’ whom seem to think that they could call themselves’, “actresses’” when they are not. Now included inside this “lovey barrage” are octopli, because one means a whole of a hell of a lot more, like “more” cigarettes and all of them equal them, “more” cigarettes, oh you cannon bet your ass “EMINEM”. Those hastly gastly breasts, because that is all they look like, octopli, and you can find them in any grocery store line. After octopli, there is another inscestoual of a group of sea scape that just needed to escape, because unlike the “great white shark” they were not heterosexual, and thought that actresses’ were acceptable in a word, like perfect that only male are considered actors’, and we are cast. Plain and simple. It is short and sweet really because all that sea life, too, are considered people, but not “PAGAN” and all fit the numbered “666” of “inmate classification” of “Satan”. Do you know your “great white shark” name? “I” do, it is “JAW”SS”, “how do you do?” Did your mother fucker ever warn you of “BEN ED HERMAN”…………. BEWARE…. TERROR EXISTS. LIVE BEYOND THE BRINKS, BECAUSE THAT IS J U S C MORE THAN MONEY $$$$ TO “me”……… STARR CANNON GIFFORD

zombieland rap

zombieland rap. chow bout that. fragment til' like sentences. adventure. jose. bona venture, hey about me?? dont' forget rabbit y'all. bring jimmy three, and of course, elder price, and b bot being, fitch of bleeding. paris, a dug b dog b doggie freak. a little happen, a happer to tip top tappen. seething. marshall fantitikill abstract egotistical no mappen havin vehicle. general motors trike. fenced up and tried out for dyke, pertin pike, like choose ya, bruise a, keep on beepin. harp fall, creature, tall, creak till noun beet seepinn. marshall mathers rappin, my creep trolley truck for tree. hey nutter motherfucker's where the fuck is my weed. {chorus} {couldn't have left it in california city, since when aligators' learned how to rap, horrible mormon mamas', prison tap, yeh, like out, hey how about another baby, perhaps a brain operation, another son for a new cop nation, eat a big mac, hop out an obama, and run over {drag over, long........} to target........{<--------drag on}} trip a trap over to shop to seed, cannabis nation, crop, more weed, zombieland ain't for free, a gram of weed, all promised to me, a procure, a profit, a preacher, a cunt, a starr, a loner, a stoner, a zero, yeah someone who has all of my teeth, in my mouth like they are supposed to be, cuz i can eat all of my korn, eyah , like bread, have you more embarrassed of your wife, nibbie hury, jeez, please, oh please, locate your ton, a flower, a furbie, decide, but be placed and instilled, a flipped house ain't to hard to steal..... a tisk kit a task met, a filled fucked up yellow casket, boozed up on goods', ben stillhurt be kernel and killed, remember , yeah he is a prostitute, so please meth mouth sandra believe, they all had more that than one gram of weed. {chorus} {couldn't have left it in california city, since when aligators' learned how to rap, horrible mormon mamas', prison tap, yeh, like out, hey how about another baby, perhaps a brain operation, another son for a new cop nation, eat a big mac, hop out an obama, and run over {drag over, long........} to target........{<--------drag on}} zombieland rap, and woody harrelson works at 7-11 al quida bin laden. and don't forget, that manager johnny at target, really wants to fuck me.

hong kong fooey

hong kong fooey number # 1 superdog hong kong fooey faster than any hogg hong kong fooey number # 1 superdog a sublime song needed with more words added for me......... for him, i grimm, a tale for short, like hell hong kong foowey ; a different spell hong kong jewheap ; numb tatted something log hong kong oogy ; sometimes a turtle other a tree hong kong fooey number # 1 superdog hong kong fooey number # 1 ; wait ; weight; weigh; we; why; hey; you; that; this; that bong over there did you or did you not come with weed ???? weed i need maybe some speed, sure i will watch the movie too, but i like crystal methanfetamine, how about you ???? a sublime song oh hong kong fooey , i know your bitch... she'ss my bong, yeh, ole too, aware you a weed witch...... ten tweed she be ; looking for------------------ hong kong fooey number # 1 superdog hong kong fooey faster than any hogg.... seriouslee. ey, hey, tis i brad, marshall.....hong kong fooey ........... double spacing superdog, number # 1 added as well. hey look there dude i began asian like peppermint snapp ss dont you too feel the need to attack

robot voice

---------------------------------"robot voice "------------------------------------------- more cigarest. ill yuck eel gross. ill. yuck eel. gross. ill yuck. eel. gross. disgusted. world. decided. most. say again. where " ss " . my. twin. ill. yuck. eel. gross. ( show appropriate footage ) . ill. yuck. eel. gross. ill. yuck. eel. gross. hell. tweeze. dwell. toast. ill. yuck. eel. gross. ill. yuck. eel. yuck. eel. gross. ill. yuck. eel. gross. bee " ss " . fad " ss " . grail. weenie. roast. gwen. stefani. robot. spray. " a big fart y ' all " . marshall. mather " ss " . start. cannon. a. comfeet. recylna. " a loping vagina " . " a busted sum " . hershey. squirt. " a tardy penis " . " a version of worth " . burgered. lasagna. " a melded wade pan : ) " . " Smile 4 shore " . " Do you want more " . " oh yeh .... " . ill. yuck. eel. gross. rotted. ferret. " mel - ba - toast " . " rotten pancakes " " Mc " E " Dee ' s " . " name shane " . ill. yuck. eel. gross. puke. disgusted. closet. worthless. " Siohban Stew " . " Family Guy " . Chase. yeh. Football. Kidd. Madden. Lasagna. " A life " . " U live " . gutted. lasagna. garfield. " a sprout " . " hurtfield " . madonna. " a cruton " . " some shit " . clotted. trouted. " A " . flogg. molly. " a magnum " . ill. yuck. gross. " i forgot " . " eel " . jackie. " not chan " . worthless. " a clam " . ill. yuck. gross. fuck. dere. weenn. Adam. Corolla. Harpen. " A " frog. worthless. lasagna. " code roded " . " a twerthless " . perverted. " A " hog. ill. yuck. gross. " i " forgot to say " Pill " .... ill. yuck. gross. an. eel. " i ' m famous " . a. star. " Where ' s Carl ' s " . " An armpit " . Motherfucker " ss " . where " ss " . Las. Vegas. " A " . Car. Sum. " Me. " pop. pop. money. today. ill. yuck. gross. " an eel harpen " . s. c. g. . 10 / 09 / 2012 . mood. high. ; }


Chiller………. What is chiller ??? A thriller. A dillard. A dollar. A abbreviated collared. A test kit. A casket. The mill by which I found the old head gasket. From a car. What is chiller ??? A mock muck man fake skinner cereal killer. Paulie bleeker on her way to four favorite dinner… Theater. On tour. Ever heard of zombieland my fremms. So now I guess I should move on to page 2, truly turn this sucker and write out zombieland rules and rot nots… Zombieland rule # 1 zombies stink and are ugly and live near you. Zombieland rule # 2 zombies have already tried to bite you before they were even a zombie, so obviously you Can see how they became a zombie, by trying to bite you. Chiller. I hate writing zombieland rules, I am starr. Reader of serial killer. Seeker of a deal. Thoughtful of others. Feed of a tweed, spot for a free meal. Perhaps a big mac straight off the grill. A double daily double given daily double hamburger steal. Chiller. Ever hear of a internet relationship ??? A licorice whip. A rolled on log. A good eaten snickerse… And another one because I am craving one, and feel like a … Hogg. Maybe a ride. Like a r v home, ready to go… I sure like to live on the outside inside, on the road… Sometimes, or always, smoking weed, forever I fry. Like french. L ike macdonalds, a Monday monkey wrench. Has anyone ever heard of trench mouth ??? Like smash… That shrek song, like the series, still going but the band past. The ride fast, The flight a blast. Hell, a franchise, posers, a punch, How many people try to disturb my lunch ??? Talk about me and my food. Looking at me ugly all turning to wood. Like a twig they blow. Black skin a red glow, shit burns… Oh… Did you not know ??? 5 : 40 pm… Oh gee really, I guess I counted fifth… Like a whiskey, a bottle, Please, oh please, can we not start … Zombieland tomorrow… Chiller. Rots and roach coach …… Paulie tweeker on the morrow… Formerly starr… Am I running in a car ??? I like my eggs poached. Sometimes. People are not made from a couch. Okay… zombieland rule # 3 Zombie master cannon ben ed herman be deceiving. s. c. g. january 1, 2013, 5 45 pm and I am on my rag. How far did ursula’s tits’ sag ??? Did you gag ??? I did. Shady. A lady. Okay. Ready. Let’s go. Start. Countdown. Green. Source. Zombieland morrow torch for porch. Or poach. Like a thrown egg. I could break a leg. Someone elses’. Not mine. They don’t break. Knock on wood. I could. Or did. Am done. Should be fun. Go grab your gun. Left we do. My r v motor home that drives and is insured and decked out… Is blue. Survior. Blue survivor. Her name. Your game. Hi woody. Other pricks. Kids. Bitches. Witches. Frogs. Dogs. And the rest of you going… Keep that weed growing. Don’t’ the zombie love to spread their’ beliefs. Or briefs. Like law. Like rap. I attack. Marshall. Shady. Starr, now paulie, for zombieland, like I said before. Chiller. Chiller. I saw “Woody Harrelson”. Si. Ombre.’ Hey, I buy “napoleon bonabarte”. Not working. At least not “disc one”. Just Disc Two. Si. Chiller. I blame him. “woody.” “workforce.” Yeah. Chiller. Lookin for La Brea Boulevard. Target Shopping. Took my bag out. People are sludging apart. Holy caparte. Chiller. Detest Redline Riding. By the way, La Brea Boulevard, State of California. Not Utah. Okay, you “jake”, You too, fakes’. Chuck. Yeah Wagon Zombieland reeks. Chiller. A ollar. Not a dollar. Chuckle. Knuckles. Weed. Chiller. I meant “Napoleon Dynamite”. Chiller.